Salmon Life Cycle / Salmon Time Line Conservation / Salmon as Food Omega 3 / Alternatives Coracles / Currachs / Events

The Severn Salmon Punt in the Salmonboats Collection is the last remaining one of its kind in working condition. It is a very rare boat and its shape can be traced back to the middleages as this picture shows.
We have a sister site making carved signs - for houses, businesses, museums, stables, waymarking etc.
Just click on the woodcut to be transferred.
See Long Net Boats page for further information.
The Stopnet Boat known on the rivers Wye and Severn. Our boat is the last original stopnet boat to be seen on water. For more information please go to the Stopnet page.
The Fishing Hut.
A display of artisanal fishing craft and methods based on land and water. Making of fishing baskets from willow and hazel; hemp, cotton and man-made nets, along with the tools and materials which would have been in every day use in the fishermans hut. Aspects of marine and river conservation are also addressed.
Typifying a scene which would have graced many a river and estuary bank for hundreds of years, but with a view to the future.
The exhibit is available to attend events throughout the year - please contact us for further information.
Solway Firth Boats.
A pair of boats both in very poor condition which had previously been used for seine net fishing on the River Eden, launching from King Garth Fish House, Carlisle.
Restoration/possible rebuild.
Information and photos on fishing on the Solway Firth are sought - please contact us if you can help.
Salmon Coble.
One of three such boats which were brought to the Severn from Scotland during the 1910s.
Two remain, both floatable, we have repaired one and returned it to the fishermen who use her on the Severn and the other we have in our Salmonboats Collection - yet to be restored.
The curragh is a light weight boat made with strips of wood and covered with a canvas or skin type cover. Curraghs have been made for many hundreds of years and it is believed that St. Brendan of Ireland went across the Atlantic in one. They were extensively used as fishing boats in Ireland.
This picture shows the framework of the new curragh build. Note the shape of the bow which makes the boat more seaworthy.
This curragh is a new build. It is approximately 17ft long and 3ft 6ins wide. After seeing a video - The Man of Aran - we decided to build one. The picture above is an Aran Island curragh at sea.

This is the latest addition to our collection. A 1930s Broads Cruiser. The mast and rigging is in great condition and the cabin which has two berths is well uptogether with lots of original brass fittings etc. The hull needs work so we hope to carry this out some time soon.
This picture shows the cabin section raised. It has a canvas middle section and when fully up you can virtually stand up in the cabin. At the moment she still has her Broads number on her. Tarig is pleased that the boat matches his colours well.
Ancient Fish Weir.
On a visit to the Severn in 2000 with a now retired fisherman, we noticed that some of the mud flats had washed away and a number of posts forming a V shape had appeared.
Subsequent visits over the last three years have revealed more of this complex fishing weir as photographed on the right here. We think that this recently exposed weir is of considerable age possibly middle ages or earlier.
The Bateaux Pliants Bordeaux-Nanouk..
A very unusual, folding boat from France. Used for rowing and sailing.
The skin is in poor condition but the ash frame is good.
Looks like it would have been quite speedy at one time.
Information sought - little is known about this boat.
Folding Kayaks.
A trio of restored traditional canoes.
At the back - A Klepper T6 dating from 1958.
Centre - A rare Sports Berger from the 1930s.
To the front - A Tyne made in the 1960s.
Acorn Rowing Skiff.
A classic Iain Oughtred design made in clinker ply for lightness.
Made for Tim Cooper
In the foreground is a restored PBK59 cold moulded kayak.
A Selway Fisher Waterman Sailing Canoe.
It rows, paddles or sails - great fun.
Made in 1996 by Simon Cooper.